Why celebrate teacher’s day as 5th of September???
Why celebrate teacher’s day as 5th of September???
Why celebrate teacher’s day as 5th of September as birthday of the plagiarize man
In a country where teacher is worshipped, if he steals his students thesis and publishes it by his own name what are we supposed to call him???
Teacher deserves to be a respected person…
Not a plagiarize person…
In the January 1929 issue of the Modern Review, Jadunath Sinha made a sensational claim regarding Dr. Radhakrishnan Sarvepalli
None other than Radhakrishnan Sarvepalli had plagiarized from him his Indian Philosophy Volume II.
He had lifted several passages from Sinha’s thesis.
The battle spilled over into the February, March and April issues of the magazine too as Sinha cited several more passages to bolster his claim. Radhakrishnan hit back with letters in the February and March issues.
In August 1929, Sinha sued Radhakrishnan. Radhakrishnan counter-sued both Sinha and Ramnath Chattopadhyay, the editor of Modern Review.
Mr. Sinha was no sensation monger.
It was the two-part thesis that he submitted as part of this grant that Radhakrishnan allegedly filched from.
Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan cheated his own Student by intellectual theft of his work.
It is baffling why Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan’s birthday has been recognized as Teacher’s Day
Why remember a staunch casteist and an an ardent Hindu ?
He was a staunch supporter of the varna and caste system.
He is been labelled as a hypocritical religious preacher by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar and Rahul Sanskrityayan.
He made no contribution to the development of education in India. Indeed, most of his recommendations as the president of University Education Commission, after his appointment in 1948, were downright backward, regressive in nature. Regarding women’s education, he observed that women and men are equal but they have different disciplines, hence women’s education should be such that she becomes an ideal mother and an ideal housewife.
This gives us an idea of his norms as an educator.
Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan is hailed as a great philosopher of India. In reality, he was a religious preacher, not a philosopher. In a veritably methodical way, he established himself as the last philosopher in the tradition of Adi Shankaracharya. Like Shankaracharya, Radhakrishnan also upheld the condemnable rules enunciated in the Manusmriti. He observed that the Manusmriti is principally a religious scripture, a compilation of moral values, and that it re-established the glory of customs and traditions at a time when they were being undermined.
Tell me how can such a man usurp the place earned by Jyotirao and Savitribai Phule.
Compare Radhakrishnan with a Teacher with moral values..Teachers are knowledge givers/doners. Knowledge is for all.Our teacher’s give us equal knowledge without any differences.So,how can a person with inequality for people in thought and action be a teacher and a day be observed in his memory is my question??
Whereas,Mahatma Fule and Savitribai Fule struggled their entire life for Women’s education and education for all deprived from it.Their work has changed tremendous lives without any barriers of caste or creed or gender etc.Then why not observe Birth of either Mahatma Phule or Savitri bai Phule as Teachers Day ! As to my opinion any days from -
3 January (birth anniversary of Savitri bai ) or
10 March (in rememberance of Savitribai Phule) or
11 April (birth anniversary of Mahatma Phule) or
28 November (in rememberance of Mahatma Phule)
should be announced as Teachers day in our country !
As they are the ones who made the doorways education of knowledge & education open for all of us 🙏
I hope in this we are together….
-Janhavi Dudhane
Copy... and paste: Plagiarism in literature over the years
[When the springs of imagination run dry for some, their ethical gene sometimes takes a hiatus and furtively, some choose to glance sidelong at another’s possessions and covet it for themselves. ~Karthik Venkatesh]
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