

कुदरत ने तो हमे बक्षी थी एक ही धरती ।
हमने कहीं भारत कहीं ईरान बनाया।
(Nature had given us only one earth.
We made India somewhere and somewhere Iran.)

The world has been broken down into fragments!
Who’s responsible?
The Humankind…..

The world has been divided by the lines of border that do not exist!
We have created those lines for our convenience.
Earth didn’t create any borders for humanity!
In the truest sense they are simply abstractions, imaginary boundaries established by agreements or conflicts.
For some it’s merely a political issue.
An ordinary citizen of any nation never wishes for a war.
Those who assume power to be supreme, through their destructive thoughts impose other people leading to a devastating act such as terrorism which further leads to war.

Increasing greed of few vicious people disturbs the borders and peace of others.
Which may further lead to a war like situation or war itself.
For example, China has made spectacular progress in industrial and technological advances.
But we can’t admire the greedy ambitions of China.
The very first victim of China’s expansionist greed is Tibet and the second is India. China proclaims that Arunachal Pradesh in India is a Chinese territory.
The next victim of China is Japan, where they claim for Senkaku Island.
And yet many more countries are a prey of such vicious nations who have ever increasing greed.

No human/ community of human rules over this land!
This land belongs to everyone!
‘Earth is not our ancestral property, we have got this planet on lease from our future generations'

अयं निजः परो वेति गणना लघु चेतसाम् |
उदारचरितानां तु वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम् |

[Hitopadesha, 1.3.71:
‘ayam nijah paroveti ganana laghuchetasam
udaracharitanam tu vasudhaiva kutumbhakam’ |
’This is my own and that a stranger’ – is the assumption of the narrow-minded
For the magnanimous-hearts however, the entire earth is but a family’]
I believe in the concept “वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम्” which means the whole world is one family!

In words of, Rusty Schweikart, a member of the 1969 Apollo9 space mission, 'You look down there and you can’t imagine how many borders and boundaries you cross, again and again and again, and you don’t even see them.'

Schweikhart’s perspective reminds us that we belong to the Earth rather than to a nation, and to a species rather than a nationality. And although we might feel distinct and different, we all have a common source.

Problems like the COVID-19 pandemic, Water Conservation and climate change are the natural issues which affect us collectively.
Also man made destructions, lack of fundamental rights to all are also collectively a global issue.
They can only be solved collectively.
Such issues can only be properly solved by viewing humans as one species(all are equal), without borders or boundaries.

The map of my Utopian[a place or state that exists only in the imagination, where everything is perfect] world has no borders.
No guards, no barbed wires, no walls/fences/barricades, nothing…..
I believe, the world would be a better place without them!
Let us all be with a heart of a child, where they know no boundaries and reside freely wherever they wish to.


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