Why celebrate teacher’s day as 5th of September???
Why celebrate teacher’s day as 5th of September??? Why celebrate teacher’s day as 5th of September as birthday of the plagiarize man In a country where teacher is worshipped, if he steals his students thesis and publishes it by his own name what are we supposed to call him??? Teacher deserves to be a respected person… Not a plagiarize person… In the January 1929 issue of the Modern Review, Jadunath Sinha made a sensational claim regarding Dr. Radhakrishnan Sarvepalli None other than Radhakrishnan Sarvepalli had plagiarized from him his Indian Philosophy Volume II. He had lifted several passages from Sinha’s thesis. The battle spilled over into the February, March and April issues of the magazine too as Sinha cited several more passages to bolster his claim. Radhakrishnan hit back with letters in the February and March issues. In August 1929, Sinha sued Radhakrishnan. Radhakrishnan counter-sued both Sinha and Ramnath Chattopadhyay, the editor of Modern Review...