
Showing posts from March, 2021

SUCCESS: "Successful people are not gifted; they just work hard then succeed on purpose."

                          Success Success is the sweet fruit of sustained efforts that is earned after putting in one’s best. Some think success is a overnight thing. But it’s not! Success is a long-term process, hard to achieve, which can then said to be last long. Keep patience the quest for success is a tough one! All successful people have a painful story and each painful story has a gain. It’s vey rare to find a person who attained success with just a bit of hard-work . All successful people have had to face obstacles in the fulfilment of their mission. But they persevered relentlessly and at last they achieved their goal. Success and failure are the pillars of life. Sometimes you may fail. But there is no need to get frustrated by your failures rather use them as stepping stones to success. Failures are a part of our life, which make the success more pleasant . You require consistent h...


World Water day 💦 I’m a little drop of water, tiny maybe ; But without me there’s no thee ~Water The World Water Day initiative is part of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) set by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), in the year 2015. Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6 or Global Goal 6) is about “Clean Water and Sanitation for all” . The idea for a World Water Day was put forward in 1992, at the Rio de Janeiro ,United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. United Nations celebrates March 22, each year, as World Water Day to make people aware of the importance of water. ‘Valuing Water’ is the theme for 2021’s World Water Day. We may have had heard thousands of times that water is our most precious natural resource. Yet what's the use? Daily lots of water is wasted! Water pollution has not reduced so far! Have we forgotten the value of water somewhere? Ask a person dying out of thirst what’s the value of water! We won’t understand th...


TRIBUTE TO THE GREAT QUEEN ' WOMEN ' 👑 Most important thing to mention today is that Women’s are the strongest living beings My statement isn't baseless. Because the one gives birth to a little life who for nine months endures the pain just to give her baby a life ,by what means can you call her as weak.. How can a person who give life to another not be strong?   The woman’s should not be included in the weaker sections. "We are not weak………… We don’t need your special treatment!"   Guys do you know what is empowerment? Empowerment is the authority or power given to someone to do something That’s it. That’s the issue: to give power or authority. ‘ To give' Do you feel woman’s in our society needed this? Do they need this empowerment really? It does not require for someone to give it to them, right? I don’t agree with the term empower women, because I don’t think women are weak, and I don’t think someone else has ...